Friday, July 16, 2010

香蕉核桃马芬 | Banana Walnut Muffin

做了几款香蕉杯子蛋糕,孟老师的食谱还是我的最爱-- 好吃又简单,又不用搬搅拌机出来,就简单手拌方式,一款
我一共做了4次。每次都做两份。 如果你还没做过,不妨试一试哦。^^

注: 之前的食谱忘了放泡打粉及小苏打粉的分量。抄了食谱的朋友或试做了的朋友,我感到非常抱歉。对不起。



熟香蕉 2根
全蛋 2个
幼糖 80g  
食油 170g  
牛奶 60g  
柠檬皮屑 1tsp (这个我没有,所以没加)
柠檬汁 2tsp (这个我没有,所以没加)
低粉 200g

泡打粉 1tsp
小苏打粉 1/2tsp
核桃碎 60g


食谱源自 ~ 《孟老师的100道小蛋糕》

Saturday, July 10, 2010

芝心巧克力玛芬 | Chocolate Cheese Cupcake

这款来自星厨房的芝心巧克力玛芬真的很好吃,有其实里面的Cream Cheese。 但我的蛋糕倒太满,都流了出来。 

Cream Cheese 80 克
幼糖 2 大匙

牛油 80 克
黄糖 70 克
鸡蛋 2 个
鲜奶 60 毫升
特幼粉 140 克
可可粉 2 大匙
发粉 2 小匙
  1. 内馅做法:一起搅拌至变成糊状或糖溶化。
  2. 牛油及黄糖一起打至松发,加入鸡蛋(一次一个)继续打发。
  3. 特幼粉、可可粉及发粉混合均匀。
  4. 将一半的粉筛入面糊内,接着倒入鲜奶,拌匀后再筛入剩余的粉,拌匀。
  5. 将一大匙的面糊倒入纸杯内,接着倒入内馅,再倒入面糊至8分满。
  6. 放入已预热的烤箱(150度),烘烤25分钟或至熟。

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

麦片脆饼 | Oatmeal cookies

After looking through all my "masterpiece" only did I realised that I have not posted this cookies before. My son loves them so much. I think he finished most of it. Maybe it is because I have forgotten to reduce the sugar amount, thus he likes it so much.

This recipe is from 《孟老师的 100道手工饼干》. It is simple and nice. I have made 2 portions of the recipe. 

I still find typing in English is so much easier than chinese after all my Hanyu pinyin is not so good. ^^

Brown sugar (soft) 50g
Butter 50g
Instant Oatmeal 50g
Egg 25g
Cake Flour (Low protein flour) 50g
Baking powder 1/2tsp
Icing sugar 25g

  1. In a pot, melt butter & sugar over low heat. Leave to cool. (I used microwave oven to melt them.^^)
  2. Add in egg. Mix well with a hand whisk.
  3. Sift in cake flour, baking powder & icing sugar. Use a spatula, combine well, but don’t over mix.  
  4. Cover with cling wrap (plastic wrap). Chill for 30 minutes.
  5. Shape the dough to form a ball and flatten it.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven 160C for approx 25 minutes.
  7. Off the oven, use remaining heat to heat for approx 10 minutes.
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